Tuesday 15 November 2016

Dimensional Data Modeling Online Training


Dimensional Data Modeling Online Training course designed to make you an expertise in Dimensional Data Modeling and learn all that is required for how to create accurate data models for complex Business Intelligence solutions.

Dimensional modeling is a core of data modelling development and one of the methods to store the data for easy retrieval of the data from the database. A dimensional model consists of fact tables and lookup tables. Dimensions and hierarchies can be represented as lookup tables. Attributes are the non-key columns in the lookup tables. In designing data models for data warehouses schema types used are Star Schema and Snowflake Schema. Dimensional data modeling training teaches how to Design the Dimensional Model and
Dimensional Data Modeling Online Training Overview
Vivanta IT Labs aims to equip students with the structured and practise based knowledge in this area. Dimensional data modeling online training deliver modern perspective of developing data. 
The sessions cover characteristics of data model, normalization and entity relationships. The classes range from basic to advanced techniques over the spectrum of skills that we teach with workshops, exercises and home work.

Course Curriculum

Dimensional Data Modeling Training Curriculum

Project/Program Planning

Professional Responsibilities
Professional Boundaries
An Engineer’s View
Beware the Objection Removers
What Does the Central Team Do?
Avoid DW/BI Isolation
Implementation Analysis Paralysis
Kimball Methodology
Kimball Lifecycle in a Nutshell
Think Critically When Applying Best Practices
Eight Guidelines for Low Risk Enterprise Data Warehousing.

Requirements Definition

Gathering Requirements
Business Requirements
Requirements Gathering Dos and Don’ts
Surprising Value of Data Profiling
Organizing around Business Processes
Focus on Business Processes
Not Business  Departments!
Identifying Business Processes
Business Process Decoder Ring
Relationship between Strategic Business Initiatives and Business Processes Wrapping Up the.


Data Architecture

Making the Case for Dimensional Modeling
Is ER Modeling Hazardous to DSS?
A Dimensional Modeling Manifesto
There Are No Guarantees
Enterprise Data Warehouse Bus Architecture
Divide and Conquer, The Matrix
The Matrix Revisited
Drill Down into a Detailed Bus Matrix
Integration Instead of Centralization
Integration for Real People Data Stewardship : The First Step to Quality And ÂConsistency
To Be or Not To Be Centralized
Contrast with the Corporate Information Factory
Differences of Opinion
Don’t Support Business Intelligence with a Normalized EDW.

Dimensional Modeling Fundamentals

Basics of Dimensional Modeling
Fact Tables and Dimension Tables
Drilling Down, Up, and Across
Myths about Dimensional Modeling
Dangerous Preconceptions
Fables and Facts.

Fact Table Core Concepts

Granularity, Declaring the Grain, Keep to the Grain in Dimensional Modeling
Types of Fact Tables
Fundamental Grains
Factless Fact Tables
Factless Fact Tables?
Sound Like Jumbo Shrimp?
What Didn’t Happen
Parent-Child Fact Tables
Patterns to Avoid When Modeling Header/Line
Item Transactions
Fact Table Keys and Degenerates
Fact Table Surrogate Keys
Reader Suggestions on Fact Table Surrogate Keys
Miscellaneous Fact Table Design Patterns
Put Your Fact Tables on a Diet
Keeping Text Out of the Fact Table
Dealing with Nulls in a Dimensional Model.

Dimension Table Core Concepts

Dimension Table Keys
Surrogate Keys
Keep Your Keys Simple
Date and Time Dimension Considerations
It’s Time for Time
Surrogate Keys for the Time Dimension
atest Thinking on Time Dimension Tables
Smart Date Keys to Partition Fact Tables
Handling All the Dates
Miscellaneous Dimension Patterns
Data Warehouse Role Models
Mystery Dimensions, De-Clutter with Junk Dimensions
Showing the Correlation Between Dimensions
Causal (Not Casual) Dimensions
Resist Abstract Generic Dimensions
Hot-Swappable Dimensions
Accurate Counting with a Dimensional Supplement
Slowly Changing Dimensions
Perfectly Partitioning History with Type SCD
Many Alternate Realities, Monster Dimensions
When a Slowly Changing Dimension Speeds Up
When Do Dimensions Become Dangerous?
Slowly Changing Dimensions Are Not Always as easy as.

More Dimension Patterns and Case Studies

Snowflakes, Outriggers, and Bridges
A Trio of Interesting Snowflakes
Help for Dimensional Modeling
Managing Bridge Tables
The Keyword Dimension
Dealing with Hierarchies
Maintaining Dimension Hierarchies
Help for Hierarchies
Five Alternatives for Better Employee Dimensional Modeling
Alternate Hierarchies.


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